
Publications you can buy & License for Performance-

PERSEPHONE (a new myth for a hotter world) by Kristen Palmer. Published by Stage Partners.

LOCAL STORY by Kristen Palmer. Published by Broadway Plays Publishing.

ONCE UPON A BRIDE THERE WAS A FOREST by Kristen Palmer.   Published by Broadway Plays Publishing.

THINGS YOU CAN DO by Kristen Palmer.  Published by Original Works Publishing. 

STRAY DOG collected in Cino Nights: Plays from Rising Pheonix Rep.  

Unpublished plays available for workshops/readings/productions at - New Play Exchange or by request.

Writing you can read - 

Our Town. North Stafford High.  short piece about performing Emily in the last month of my father's life.

Daily Plays (2009-2013). writing about plays I read, mostly contemporary

Quarantined Poesy (2005-2010). writing a poem a day (or attempting it)

We Play For The Gods article in HowlRoundshort piece discussing the process of collective creation used in the Women's Project Lab.

Sanctifying the Quotidian. Brooklyn Rail article about Sheila Callaghan's Dead City produced by New Georges in 2006.